1. The intended audience for this web quest is middle school to high school aged students anywhere from 8Th to 10Th grade.
2. The students will learn not only their personal opinion of what it means to be admired as well as the accomplishments beyond Jackie Robinson's talent in baseball. Students will also have to think a little deeper when making connections between MLK Jr. and Jackie Robinson. This web quest will push students to read between the lines and make their own opinions of how these men changed the world.
3. Before starting this web quest a student must have a basic understanding of the Internet. They will need to access this page and click from link to link, as well as view web links that are attached in the web quest. As well as the student must be able to read all the information and be able to take notes of information that is important and relevant to the question being asked. Most of the skills required are basic and not too advanced for middle to high school level students.
4. The students will need about two hours of computer research time of for this webquest involving reading through the assignment, viewing the webpages, taking notes and typing up the final article. This time could be split up to one hour when the assignment is introduced and also one hour a couple days before the assignment is due (for students without access to computers at home) to finish the assignment. They can also access the internet on their own time if they feel that they need more time.
5. When grading this webquest there are multiple parts that should be taken into consideration. First of all that the student has all the required parts and has answered the given questions. That will give the student some credit, but in order to recieve a grade that is excellent versus okay the student needs to show that they have given thought into their definition of being admired. They then need to explain in detail why the events that were part of Jackie Robinsons life not only impacted the world but also how they compare to those of MLK Jr. Another part in order for a student to recieve a higher grade is that they include a comparasin with thought put into it between Jackie and MLK Jr beyond they both were part of Civil Rights. The student needs to show you that they understand that they really started advancements in the equality of African Americans.
The information just described above is put into a grading rubric below, with Okay, good and excellent!
In order to determing what it not so good quality work, the student must be lacking any personal thought in the article as well as taking pieces of information straight from the websites given. This will show that the student did not take much time to actually read into the websites and pull out important information in order to ask the given questions.
Here is a scoring guide that can be used while grading.
Okay: The student might have put some though into this but has weak connections between MLK Jr. and Jackie Robinson. They use mainly baseball as Jackie's accomplishment and do not try to push their thinking beyond the obvious. Last of all the student does not meet all the article requirements (meaning the paper is very short, not able to fully describe all that should be a part of this piece)
Good: The student must show they have put thought into their definition, it may not be fully in-depth. The student also needs to give strong examples of what it took for Jackie Robinson to achieve what he did in his lifetime, but it might be lacking the extra push when comparing MLK to Jackie Robinson. There could be some parts left out, but for the whole the student needs to put a great deal of work into this article.
Excellent: Very thoughtful definition/opinion of what it means to be admired and have so many acheivements. The student needs to go into detail on what about Jackie Robsinson made him so well-known and admired. They need to talk about how baseball was a large part of his life which was the START of his achievements. Also that he does have a great deal in common with MLK Jr. The connections between the two need to be more than just they were part of Civil rights and were both African American. There needs to be thought put into the article for a student to receieve an excellent grade!