You are the journalist for TIME magazine and have been given a wonderful opportunity to write a front page article about Jackie Robinson! You have 2 weeks to research him and write the article. The inspiration question for your piece is 'Jackie Robinson is an admired person for his many achievements. How does someone reach this status and what does it mean to be admired? Compare Jackie Robinson's lifetime achievements with Martin Luther King Jr., who was also a significant leader and helped African Americans reach equality.'
For those of you who have not heard of Jackie Robinson, this quest will not only be informative but get ready to learn about a man who has truly shaped history! Jackie Robinson was the first African American baseball player. That alone shows that he not only was amazing at baseball, but started to make a change for the colored community. So, now that you have some background information on Jackie you are to research deeper into what has really created the legend that Jackie Robinson will forever hold!
Before you begin researching I would suggest to write down some notes of what you believe determines if someone is admirable, why you admire people and how different qualities are admirable. This will help you get a better idea of how to determine admirable qualities in Jackie Robinson.
You are to now move onto the other parts of this webquest and follow the given directions. You are to keep in mind your question while you read through the websites.
Below is an image of the cover page for YOUR ARTICLE!!!