All about Jackie

Okay, time to start reseraching. At this website you will find a biography of Jackie Robinsons life. With this information you will start to take notes of what he has accomplished in his life as well as what makes him admired.

You should be taking note on some of the following pieces while reading this biography (these pieces will help you determine WHAT it is that makes someone admirable!)
-What is it that Jackie did? Who was he helping? Was he active in all that he did? Did people like what he did? Did he make changes that are still around today? Was what he did selfish?
-Many people that are found admirable are people like so;
Rosa Parks for standing up for colored people, Martin Luther King for his speech that started colored rights and then there are the people who may have been well known but not admired, such as Hitler (He was the leader of the Nazis)
-...and do not forget to keep in mind your definition of what it means to be admired that you came up with from the previous page!

This information will also be used to compare Jackie Robinson in future tasks. Be sure to take good notes and keep in mind what it means to be admired and idolized by others.

Most readers know about his wonderful success in Baseball, but tend to forget how he has changed the world. It is YOUR job to remind them. This website will give you a brief overview of his life as well as his accomplishments.

Above are two images of Jackie Robinson. On the left is an image of a book that is complied of letters on the Civil Rights by Jackie Robinson. The image to the right is of Jackie Robinson working with members of the African American community on during the Civil Rights movement, which is a great topic to research for finding admirable qualities of Jackie.

View this website: Jackie Robinson biography